
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.go smoothly; come off; do fine; come in handy

    • tā xiě zhè piān xiǎo shuō pō wéi dé shǒu


      He goes smoothly with this novel.

  • 2

    v.accomplish/attain/obtain/reach one's end

    • chuāng hu hěn róng yì chéng wéi qiè zéi dé shǒu de mù biāo


      Windows are an easy target for burglars.

Word usage

  • "得" and "手" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 敌人偷袭

      The enemy has succeeded by sneaky attacks this time.

    • 没有

      He hasn't succeeded in such a thing.

    • 一定严密防范走私

      We must keep a close watch to make sure that the smugglers cannot gain their ends even once.