dé zhì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.achieve one's ambition; be successful (usually in terms of fame and profit)

    • bù néng ràng huài rén dé zhì


      Don't let bad people succeed.

    • tā shào nián dé zhì mù zhōng wú rén bù guò méi yǒu biǎo lù chū lai


      He thought too much of himself and was getting too big for his boots, though he kept his thoughts to himself.

    • tā zhè ge zuò jiā zǎo nián dé zhì biàn zì míng dé yì


      His early success as a writer led to complacency.

    • bù dé zhì


      be unsuccessful in one's career

    • wú fǎ dé zhì


      feel depressed about one's unsuccessful career

Word usage

  • "得" and "志" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 如今朋友

      Now he has achieved his ambition, he doesn't even recognize his good friends.

    • 一生没有

      He has not achieved any ambition in his life.