diǎn xíng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.model; example; typical case

    • tā shì qín láo zhì fù de diǎn xíng


      He is the epitome of hard work and wealth.

    • tā shì bái shǒu qǐ jiā de diǎn xíng


      She typifies the self-made woman.

    • wèi hái zi shù lì diǎn xíng


      Set an example for children.

  • 2

    adj.typical; representative

    • tā shì gè diǎn xíng de yī wá shēn shēn zēng wù zhī rén


      He was the quintessence of all that Eva most deeply loathed.

    • zhè shì yī gè diǎn xíng de bù shàn yì de huí dá


      This was a typically ungenerous response.

    • tā yǒu zhe diǎn xíng ài ěr lán rén de bái pí fū


      She has typically Irish fair skin.

  • 3

    n.model personalities (in literary works); typical figure; model personality

    • diǎn xíng gài kuò


      summarization of model personalities

    • zhè shì dà nán ren zhǔ yì de yī gè diǎn xíng de lì zi


      This is a typical example of male chauvinism.

Word usage

  • Note
    1. "典型" is different from "类型". "典型" refers to representativeness; "类型" indicates "categorical". 2. "典型" is different from "典范". "典范" expresses "exemplary" and is a commendatory word; "典型" expresses "representativeness" and is a neutral word.
  • "典型" is often matched with measure word "个"or"种"or"类".
    • 典型

      one typical example

    • 典型

      one typical example

    • 典型

      one class of typical example

Chinese words with pinyin dian xing