
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.introspect; reflect over; search one's heart

    • fǎn sī guò qù shì wèi le yǐ hòu


      Reflection of the past aims at the future.

    • gāi piàn shǐ měi gè zhōng guó rén zuò shēn kè de fǎn sī


      This film will make every Chinese rethink profoundly.

    • duì zhè yàng yán jùn de qíng kuàng wǒ men bù dé bù duì cǐ jìn xíng fǎn sī


      Facing the serious situation, we have to rethink profoundly.

    • fǎn sī wén xué


      self-examination literaturere

Word usage

  • Note
    "反思" is different from "反省". "反思" means thinking about more important things in the past, with the purpose of summing up lessons and advancing forward; "反省" means checking one's own thoughts and behaviors, with the purpose of recognizing shortcomings and mistakes, and discarding the old and adopting the new.

Chinese words with pinyin fan si