fǎn xǐng

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.introspect; self-examination; reflect on oneself

    • jīng guò jìn yī bù de fǎn xǐng wǒ huái yí zì jǐ shì bù shì cuò le


      On further reflection, I came to doubt whether I was right or not.

    • bù shì měi yī gè rén dōu zhī dào zěn yàng zì wǒ fǎn xǐng


      It is not everyone that knows how to introspect oneself.

    • wǒ men yīng dāng jīng cháng fǎn xǐng zì jǐ guò qù de cuò wù


      We should often reflect on our past mistakes.

    • fǎn xǐng zì jǐ de chéng bài


      review one's successes and failures

    • zì wǒ fǎn xǐng



    • tíng zhí jìn xíng fǎn xǐng


      be temporarily relieved of one's post for self-examination

    • zài yī cì nán dé de zì wǒ fǎn xǐng zhōng zǒng tǒng chéng rèn tā zuò chū le cuò wù de jué dìng


      In a rare moment of self-reflection, the president admitted that he had made the wrong decision.

Word usage

  • Note
    1."反省" is different from "反思". "反思" means "think about comparatively important things in the past, with the purpose of summing up lessons and advancing forward"; "反省" means "check one's own thoughts and behaviors, with the purpose of recognizing shortcomings and mistakes, and discarding the old and the new". 2."省" cannot be pronounced as "shěng" in"反省".

Chinese words with pinyin fan xing