fàn jiè

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.violate the discipline/commandment; break into a forbidden ground

    • suí táng shí qī de fǎ lǜ duì yú sēng ní wéi fǎ fàn jiè de xíng wéi yě yǒu yán gé de chǔ fá guī dìng


      The laws had also some rigorous punishment prescribe to monastic actions of disobeying Buddhism commandment.

Word usage

  • "犯" and "戒" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 和尚因为说谎

      The young monk broke the commandment for lying.

    • Have you ever broken the commandment?

    • 什么

      What commandment did he break?