
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    adj.plentiful; abundant; full

    • shù shang jié le fēng mǎn de guǒ shí


      The tree bears plump fruit.

    • měi hù de liáng dùn dōu hěn fēng mǎn


      The grain store of each household is plentiful.

    • liáng cāng fēng mǎn


      The granaries are full.

  • 2

    adj.(of the body) well-developed; full-grown; full and rounded

    • tǐ tài jiào fēng mǎn de rén chuān xià zhuāng zǒng shì bù nà me hǎo kàn


      Summer clothes are invariably less kind to fuller figures.

    • tā men zhuān wèi tǐ xíng fēng mǎn de nǚ shì zuò yī fu


      They specialize in clothes for women with a fuller figure.

    • tā de shēn cái hěn fēng mǎn


      She has a very plump figure.

  • 3

    adj.(of feathers) fledged

    • zhè zhǒng hù fà jì shǐ nǐ de tóu fa zēng jiā fēng mǎn zhī gǎn


      This conditioner adds volume to your hair.

Word usage

  • "丰满" can be reduplicated, for example: "丰丰满满".
    • 羽毛非常可爱

      The birdie is full-fledged and it looks really cute.