fú xiàn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.(of past experience) reappear in one's mind; reappear before one's eyes

    • tóng nián de wǎng shì fú xiàn zài tā de yǎn qián


      Childhood memories floated before his eyes.

    • tā de miàn róng fú xiàn zài wǒ miàn qián


      His image rose before me.

    • wǎng shì fú xiàn zài wǒ yǎn qián


      The past came back to my mind.

  • 2

    v.appear; emerge

    • tā liǎn shang fú xiàn chū xiào róng


      His face was lit up with a smile.

    • tā de liǎn shang chóng xīn fú xiàn chū xiào róng dàn què zhēng níng kě pà


      His smile returned, and it was hideously diabolic.

Word usage

  • Note
    "浮现" is different from "呈现". The objects of "呈现" are usually visible, not imaginary; the objects of "浮现" are both visible and imaginary.