
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.restore; be rehabilitated

    • shòu zāi dì qū yǐ jīng fù yuán


      The disaster area has recovered.

    • bèi pò huài de bì huà yǐ wú fǎ fù yuán


      The damaged murals are beyond restoration.

    • tā men fù yuán le nà fèn zhòng yào wén jiàn


      They restored the important documents.

  • 2

    v.recover from an illness; restore/resume one's health

    • tā yǐ bìng yù fù yuán


      She has recovered from her illness.

Word usage

  • "复" and "原" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 不了

      A crumpled paper will never return to its original shape.

    • 手术视力逐渐

      His eyesight has gradually recovered after the operation.