
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.improve; make better; ameliorate

    • cāo zuò fāng fǎ xū yào gǎi jìn


      The operating methods need to be improved.

    • fú wù tài du yǒu hěn dà gǎi jìn


      The service has improved a lot.

    • lǎo shī shì zhe gǎi jìn jiào xué fāng fǎ


      The teacher tried to improve his teaching methods.

  • 2


    • wǒ men fā xiàn gǎi jìn xiàn yǒu shè bèi bǐ gòu mǎi xīn shè bèi pián yi xiē


      We found it cheaper to modify existing equipment rather than buy new.

    • tā men gǎi jìn le shēng chǎn jī qì


      They modifies the production machinery.

    • gōng chǎng xū gǎi jìn yī pī shè bèi


      The factory needs to modify a batch of equipment.

Word usage

  • Note
    "改进" is different from "改良". "改进" means making progress and improvement on the original basis, with a wider range of use; "改良" means eliminating individual or partial deficiencies and making them more in line with requirements.
  • "改进" is often matched with measure word "次".
    • 改进

      one improvement