
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.peak; summit; height; climax; pinnacle

    • pān dēng shì jiè dì yī gāo fēng


      Climb the highest peak in the world.

    • zhū mù lǎng mǎ fēng shì shì jiè dì yī gāo fēng


      Mount Qomolangma is the world's highest peak.

    • nǐ zhī dào shì jiè dì yī gāo fēng ma


      Do you know the highest peak in the world?

  • 2

    n.metaacme; apex; zenith; high point

    • bǎ gé mìng tuī xiàng shèng lì de gāo fēng


      Carry the revolution through to its triumphant end.

    • wǒ zǎo zǎo dòng shēn yǐ bì kāi jiāo tōng gāo fēng


      I left early to avoid the rush hour.

    • mù dì shì huǎn jiě gāo fēng qī de jiāo tōng zhuàng kuàng


      The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods.

  • 3

    n.metathe highest level of leadership

    • gāo fēng huì yì


      the meeting of top leaders

Word usage

  • "高峰" is often matched with measure word "座"or"处"or"个".
    • 高峰

      one peak

    • 高峰

      one peak

    • 高峰

      one peak