gē zhī

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • onomatopoeiacreak; groan

    • jiǎo cǎi zhe xuě huì fā chū gē zhī de shēng yīn


      The snow creaked underfoot.

    • biǎn dan bèi yā de gē zhī gē zhī de xiǎng


      The carrying pole creaked under the load.

    • dà shù bèi fēng chuī de gē zhī zuò xiǎng


      The tall tree groaned in the wind.

    • tā xiǎo xīn yì yì de zǒu zài gē zhī zuò xiǎng de lóu tī shang


      He was careful on the creaky stairs.

Word usage

  • "咯吱" can be reduplicated, for example: "咯吱吱","咯吱咯吱".
    • 发出声音

      The snow creaked underfoot.

    • 咯吱咯吱行进

      He crunched through the crisp snow.