
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.contribution; credit

    • tā bǎ suǒ yǒu de gōng láo guī yú zì jǐ


      He takes all the credit to him.

    • tā zǒng shì qiān xū de shuō zhè diǎn gōng láo bù zhí dé xuàn yào


      He always said modestly that this credit is not worth boasting about.

    • gōng sī néng yǒu rú cǐ hǎo de xiào yì quán shì zhí gōng men de gōng láo


      The company's ability to have such good benefits is all the credit of the employees.

Word usage

  • "功劳" is often matched with measure word "个"or"份".
    • 功劳

      one credit

    • 功劳

      one credit