gōng shì

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.formula; expression

    • zhè shì yòng lái jì suàn jù lí de gōng shì


      This is the formula for calculating distance.

    • zhè ge gōng shì yòng yú jì suàn yuán de miàn jī


      This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle.

    • zhè xiē fù zá de gōng shì shì yī bān xiǎo xué shēng bù néng lǐ jiě de


      These complex formulae are beyond the grasp of the average pupil.

  • 2

    n.universally applicable method (in a field); (in a broad sense) any method that can be applied to a group of similar things

    • bù néng àn zhào sǐ bǎn de gōng shì bàn shì


      cannot apply a strict formula

Word usage

  • "公式" is often matched with measure word "个"or"堆".
    • 公式

      one formula

    • 公式

      one pile of formula