gōng shì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.official duty/matter; public affair

    • yì huì zhǐ shì lì xíng gōng shì bān de tōng guò le zǒng tǒng de jué dìng


      Parliament merely rubber-stamped the president's decision.

    • yī chǎng huāng táng de wài jiāo shang de gōng shì jiāng yào zài cì jìn xíng


      A ridiculous diplomatic ritual will play out once again.

  • 2

    n.dialofficial documents

    • yuè dú gōng shì


      read the document

Word usage

  • "公事" is often matched with measure word "件".
    • 公事

      one business