
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.misgiving; worry; apprehension; scruple

    • hé tā yī qǐ gōng zuò wǒ méi yǒu gù lǜ


      I didn't hesitate about working with him.

    • tā duì yú wǔ shí suì gǎi háng yǒu hěn dà de gù lǜ


      He had serious misgivings about changing his career at the age of 50.

    • duì yú zhè cì lǚ xíng tā yǒu jí dà de gù lǜ


      He had grave misgivings about making the trip.

  • 2

    v.fear of adverse consequences and not saying or doing what is intended

    • nǐ yīng gāi gù lǜ dào è liè tiān qì suǒ zào chéng de yán wù


      You should allow for delays caused by bad weather.

    • zǒng lǐ fǎn bó shuō tā duì zì jǐ suǒ shōu dào de nà xiē jiàn yì pō wéi gù lǜ


      The Prime Minister countered by stating that he had grave misgivings about the advice he had been given.

    • bìng rén zài shǒu shù qián gù lǜ hěn dà


      The patient had serious misgivings ahead of the operation.

Word usage

  • "顾虑" is often matched with measure word "个"or"点".
    • 顾虑

      one concern

    • 顾虑

      a little concern