guò dào

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.corridor; gangway

    • bù yào zhàn zài guò dào shang


      Don't stand in the aisle.

    • tōng wǎng xiǎo fáng jiān de guò dào hěn hēi


      The corridor opened into the small room is dark.

  • 2

    n.passageway; doorway; walkway

    • guò dào yě yào dǎ sǎo yī biàn


      The aisle needs to be cleaned, too.

Word usage

  • "过道" is often matched with measure word "个"or"条".
    • 过道

      one corridor

    • 过道

      one corridor

Chinese words with pinyin guo dao