guò huǒ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • adj.go too far; go to extremes; overdo; go beyond the proper limit

    • tā de yī xiē dǎng tú gàn le yú chǔn de guò huǒ xíng wéi


      Some of his party followers have committed silly excesses.

    • wǒ men qìng zhù shèng dàn jié shí zǒng zuò de hěn guò huǒ


      We always overdo at Christmas.

    • wán xiào kāi de guò huǒ le


      That is carrying the joke too far.

Word usage

  • "过" and "火" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 玩笑

      This joke was a bit overdone.