guò mén

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.(of a woman) get married; (of a woman) go over to a man's house

    • guò mén de xí fù


      the daughter-in-law

    • tā shì gè gāng guò mén de xí fù shén me yě bù dǒng


      She just got married and doesn't know anything.

Word usage

  • "过" and "门" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 新媳妇儿刚刚

      The wife has just moved into her husband’s household.

    • 我们就是

      After the wedding ceremony, we'll be a family.

    • 去年

      She moved into her husband's household last year.

Chinese words with pinyin guo men