hàn mǎ gōng láo

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    sldistinctions won in battle; war exploits; (in a broad sense) grand contributions; achievements (distinguished) in war

    • tā wéi gōng sī niǔ kuī wéi yíng lì xia le hàn mǎ gōng láo


      She made outstanding contributions to the enterprise's turn-around from loss-making to profit-making.

    • tā zhè huí lì le hàn mǎ gōng láo dì wèi yě suí zhī huáng huáng qǐ lai


      This time he established war exploits, and his status grew eminently.

  • 2

    slone's contributions in work; render great services

    • tā de fù qīn shì céng wèi guó jiā lì xià hàn mǎ gōng láo de jūn rén


      Her father was once a soldier who had contributed a lot to the country.

Word usage

  • Note
    "汗马功劳" is often used with the verbs "立下", "有" and other words.