万众一心all people of one heart and one mind
不折不扣hundred-percent; out-and-out
与日俱增be steadily on the increase
世外桃源fictitious land of peace, away from the turmoil of the world
争先恐后strive to be the first and fear to lag behind
千姿百态in different poses and with different expressions
名副其实be something in reality as well as in name
天马行空like a heavenly steed soaring across the skies
心照不宣both understand from their hearts what the matter is but don’t choose to say so in public
志同道合share someone's ambitions and outlook on life
情不自禁be seized with a sudden impulse to
拔地而起rise steeply/sheer from the ground
救死扶伤heal the wounded and rescue the dying
无可奈何make oneself accept calmly
梦寐以求crave something so that one even dreams about it
温文尔雅be gentle and quiet of disposition
灯红酒绿feasting and revelry; bustling nightlife
相得益彰bring out the best in each other
眉飞色舞with dancing eyebrows and radiant face
科教兴国rejuvenate/revitalize China through science and education
继往开来inherit past traditions and break new grounds
胸有成竹have a well thought-out strategy
自强不息constantly strive to become stronger
诗情画意charming mood of poetry or painting
轻而易举be as easy as rolling off a log
随遇而安reconcile oneself to one's situation
鞠躬尽瘁devote oneself entirely to
栩栩如生be lifelike and full of vitality
欲言又止start to speak, but then falter
见死不救do nothing to save somebody from ruin
流连忘返enjoy oneself so much as to forget to go home
荣华富贵high position and great wealth
雄心壮志lofty aspirations and high ideals
用武之地a place or an opportunity to display one's talents
一步一个脚印work steadily and make solid progress; every step leaves its print