
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.(in Chinese painting) add shading around an object to make it stand out

    • xiào yuán sè cǎi shì duì xiào yuán huán jìng de sù zào hé fēn wéi de hōng tuō de guān jiàn


      The campus color is the hinge to create a positive campus environment and atmosphere.

  • 2

    v.achieve the effect of prominence through contrast

    • hōng tuō rén wù de tè diǎn


      set off the character's special traits

  • 3

    v.throw into sharp relief; (in a broad sense) set off by contrast; serve as a foil (to)

    • hóng huā hái xū yào lǜ yè hōng tuō


      Red flowers need green leaves to set them off.

    • tōng guò duì bǐ hōng tuō chū yīn yuè zhǔ tí


      set off the leitmotiv by contrast

    • hú zài lán tiān de hōng tuō xià xiǎn de gèng měi lì


      The lake looked even more beautiful when set off against the blue sky.