huàn dài

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.(of a regime or dynasty) change

    • gǎi cháo huàn dài


      change from one dynasty to another

  • 2

    v.(of a product's structure and property) upgrade

    • huàn dài chǎn pǐn mó xíng


      new model of a product

    • diàn nǎo huàn dài hěn kuài


      New models of computers are launched one after another.

    • gēng xīn huàn dài


      updating and upgrading

Word usage

  • "换" and "代" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 封建王朝

      The feudal dynasties passed on from generation to generation.

    • 智能手机已经

      Smartphones have been launched one after another.

    • 没有

      This car has not been upgraded.