
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.conference/assembly hall; meeting place

    • wǒ men yào tí qián bù zhì huì chǎng


      We have to set up the venue in advance.

    • gōng zuò rén yuán zài nǔ lì wéi chí huì chǎng zhì xù


      Staff members are working hard to maintain order at the venue.

    • wǒ dài zhe fù zá de xīn qíng cóng huì chǎng huí dào jiā


      I came home from the meeting with mixed feelings.

Word usage

  • "会场" is often matched with measure word "个"or"座".
    • 会场

      one venue

    • 会场

      one venue

Chinese words with pinyin hui chang