huì shī

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.join forces; effect a junction

    • yǔ zhǔ lì jūn huì shī


      team up with the main forces

    • shí xiàn liǎng jūn huì shī


      effect a junction of the two armies

    • shèng lì huì shī


      join forces triumphantly

    • yǔ méng jūn zài hé biān jìn xíng huì shī


      effect a linkup with the Allies near the river

    • rán hòu wǒ men xiàng běi zǒu qù hé dì sì fāng miàn jūn huì shī


      Then we headed north to join forces with the Fourth Front Army.

Word usage

  • "会" and "师" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 终于成功

      The two troops have finally joined forces triumphantly.

    • 山路险阻不了

      With the dangerous mountain path, the two troops cannot join forces with each other.

    • 你们

      Where did the forces join with each other?