jiǎo dù

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.angle; space between two straight lines or planes that intersect, measured in degrees or radians

    • chēng tiáo hé héng liáng zhī jiān jiǎo dù tài dà


      The brace is at too big an angle with the beam.

    • xué shēng men zài cè liáng jiǎo dù


      The student is measuring an angle.

    • zhè ge jiǎo jiǎo dù tài dà


      This angle is too great.

  • 2

    n.metapoint of view; perspective

    • zhè xiē jù běn cóng bù tóng jiǎo dù fǎn yìng le wǒ men de shè huì


      These plays mirror our society from various angles.

    • nǐ yào cóng bù tóng jiǎo dù lái yán jiū wèn tí


      You should examine the matter from different angles.

    • shì zhe cóng wǒ de jiǎo dù kàn wèn tí


      Try to consider things from my point of view.

Word usage

  • "角度" is often matched with measure word "个"or"种".
    • 角度

      one angle

    • 角度

      one kind of angle