shì jiǎo

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.angle of view; visual angle formed by two rays of light inside the eyeball

    • cè liáng shì jiǎo


      measure the visual angle

    • zhàn zài tā de shì jiǎo wǒ kàn dào le xī wàng


      From his perspective, I saw hope.

    • zhī lí de shì jiǎo nán miǎn zào chéng qiān qiǎng fù huì


      The irrelevant angle of view creates unavoidably farfetched.

  • 2

    n.visual/optic angle

    • bù tóng de shè xiàng jī jiǎo dù xiǎn shì bù yī yàng de shì jiǎo


      Different camera angles show different perspectives.

  • 3

    n.perspective; approach; angle from which one looks at a problem; viewpoint

    • tè bié de shì jiǎo


      unique perspective

    • xīn lǐ xué shì jiǎo


      linguistics psychology

    • yǐng piàn yǐ qīng nián rén de shì jiǎo fǎn yìng wén huà shēng huó


      The film represented the cultural life from the perspective of an young man.

Word usage

  • "视角" is often matched with measure word "个"or"种".
    • 视角

      one perspective

    • 视角

      one kind of perspective