
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.teacher; mentor

    • wǒ bì yè hòu xiǎng dāng yī míng jiào shī


      I want to be a teacher after graduation.

    • xué xiào li jiào shī bì xū yòng pǔ tōng huà jiǎng kè


      The teachers in the school must speak in Mandarin.

    • tā shì yī míng gāo zhōng jiào shī


      He is a high school teacher.

    • lǐ kē jiào shī


      science teacher

    • hěn duō jiào shī


      many teachers

Word usage

  • Note
    "教师" and "教员" are different from "老师". "老师" can be used with personal pronouns, such as "她的老师"; "教师" and "教员" cannot be used in this way. "老师" is a widely-used term of appellation and can also refer to certain professionals in other industries; "教师" and "教员" are a name of profession, which only refer to full-time personnel who serve in teaching.
  • "教师" is often matched with measure word "位"or"名"or"个".
    • 教师

      one teacher

    • 教师

      one teacher

    • 教师

      one teacher