jiē huǒ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.start to exchange fire

    • wǒ men gēn dí rén jiē huǒ le


      We exchanged fire with the enemy.

  • 2

    v.energize; provide electricity by connecting to a source

    • diàn shàn ān hǎo le kě hái méi jiē huǒ ne


      The fans have been fixed, but not yet connected to the mains.

    • diàn dēng ān hǎo le dàn shì hái méi jiē huǒ


      The lights are in place, but have yet to be connected to the power source.

    • bīng xiāng ān hǎo le kě hái méi jiē huǒ ne


      The fridge has been put in, but is not connected to the mains yet.

Word usage

  • "接" and "火" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 先头部队敌人

      The vanguard exchanged fire with the enemy.