jiě fàng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.liberate; emancipate; set free

    • wǒ men yào bǎ xué shēng cóng fán zhòng de zuò yè zhōng jiě fàng chū lái


      We will relieve students of heavy school assignment.

    • xīn jī qì jiāng bǎ wǒ men cóng fán zhòng láo dòng zhōng jiě fàng chū lái


      This new machine will emancipate us from the hard work.

    • jīng guò cháng qī de dòu zhēng tā men zhōng yú jiě fàng le


      They were eventually liberated after a long struggle.

  • 2

    v.Liberation (signify the termination of Kuomintang rule in mainland China in 1949)

    • jiě fàng nà nián wǒ cái èr shí suì


      In the year of liberation, I was only 20 years old.