
Chinese dictionary
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  • adv.fmlunexpectedly; to one's surprise; actually; go so far as to; obviously; have the impudence to; have the effrontery to

    • wǒ zhēn méi xiǎng dào tā jū rán huì zuò chū zhè zhǒng shì lái


      I never thought she would do such a thing.

    • tā jū rán tóng yì le


      She actually agreed.

    • tā jū rán xiāng xìn zhè zhǒng yáo yán


      I can't believe he believes this rumor.

    • tā jū rán tí chū yào bāng máng zhè zhēn shi tài yáng cóng xī bian chū lái le


      She actually offered to help? That's a turn-up for the books!

    • wǒ hěn jīng yà nǐ jū rán cóng méi tīng shuō guo tā


      I'm amazed you've never heard of him.

    • tā jū rán yòng chōu qiān de fāng fǎ zuò chū nà xiàng jué dìng


      She made that decision actually by drawing lots.

Word usage

  • Note
    "居然" is different from "竟然". "竟然" is often used after the subject, and it means "it shouldn't be like this", with a stronger meaning, mostly used in written language; "居然" can be used in front of the subject, and it often means that something that should not or cannot happen has become a fact. Commonly uesd in spoken and written language.

Chinese words with pinyin ju ran