kāi huǒ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.run a mess or cafeteria; start the management of messing arrangements

    • tā men gōng sī hái méi kāi huǒ


      Their company hasn't started yet.

    • nǐ men zǔ zhī jué dìng kāi huǒ le ma


      Has your organization decided to start?

  • 2

    v.(of a mess or canteen) provide food; serve food

    • shí táng shǔ qī bù kāi huǒ


      The canteen does not provide food during the summer vacation.

    • wǒ men xué xiào shí táng hěn shǎo kāi huǒ


      Our school's canteen is rarely open.

Word usage

  • "开" and "伙" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 可能

      He may not cook even once a year.

    • 告诉本事

      I don’t believe you really cooked.

    • 今年

      I cooked a couple of times this year.

Chinese words with pinyin kai huo