lèi shuǐ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.tear; teardrop

    • tā yǎn li qín zhe xìng fú de lèi shuǐ


      Happy tears have gathered in his eyes.

    • lèi shuǐ zài lǎo rén de yǎn jing li chàn dòng zhe


      Tear trembled in the eyes of the old man.

    • yuē hàn cā qù yǎn li de lèi shuǐ


      John wiped the tear from his eyes.

Word usage

  • "泪水" is often matched with measure word "滴"or"行".
    • 泪水

      one drop of tear

    • 泪水

      one line of tears