yǎn lèi

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.tears; eyedrop

    • tā jī hū kuài liú yǎn lèi le


      He was almost on the verge of tears.

    • tā de yǎn lèi bó dé guān zhòng de wú xiàn tóng qíng


      Her tears elicited great sympathy from her audience.

    • tā qīng qīng shì qù tā de yǎn lèi


      He stroked away her tears.

    • méi yǒu shén me bǐ yǎn lèi gèng róng yì gān hé


      Nothing dries sooner than a tear.

    • tòu guò yǎn lèi kàn shì jiè nǐ fā xiàn shì jiè zài kū qì


      Look at the world through tears, and you will find that the whole world is weeping.

Word usage

  • "眼泪" is often matched with measure word "滴"or"串"or"行".
    • 眼泪

      one drop of tear

    • 眼泪

      one string of tears

    • 眼泪

      one line of tears