
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.dawn; daybreak

    • zhè qiú fàn jiāng zài lí míng shí bèi chǔ sǐ


      The prisoner will be put to death at dawn.

    • lí míng shí tā bèi kū hǎn shēng chǎo xǐng


      He was awakened at dawn by the sound of crying.

    • wǒ men shì zài lí míng qián chū fā de


      We left before the daybreak.

    • lí míng jí qǐ


      rise with the sun

    • lí míng shí fēn


      at daybreak

    • kàn rì chū de rén yī dìng yào děng dào lí míng


      Those who watch the sunrise must wait until dawn.

Word usage

  • Note
    "黎明" is different from "拂晓" and "凌晨". "凌晨" refers to the period after midnight to before dawn; "拂晓" refers to the period when it is about to dawn; "黎明" refers to the period when it is about to dawn or just before dawn.
  • "黎明" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 黎明

      one dawn