
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.theory; principle; systematic conclusion about the knowledge of nature and society

    • nǐ de yì jiàn lǐ lùn shang wǒ tóng yì dàn shí jì shang kǒng pà xíng bu tōng


      In theory, I agree with you, but I feel that your ideas would not work in practice.

    • tuō lí shí jì de lǐ lùn zài hǎo yě méi yòng


      A theory divorced from practice is good for nothing.

    • zhè xiàng shǒu yì bù xū yào jīng shēn de lǐ lùn zhī shi


      This craft does not require deep theoretical knowledge.

  • 2

    v.infmlargue; debate; reason

    • tā zhèng zài qì tóu shang wǒ bù xiǎng zhǎo tā lǐ lùn


      He's still angry at the moment. I don't want to argue with him.

    • wǒ yào hé tā lǐ lùn lǐ lùn


      I have to argue this out with him.

    • nǐ zhǎo tā lǐ lùn qù bié guāng hé wǒ shuō


      You ask him to reason, don't just talk to me.

Word usage

  • "理论" is often matched with measure word "个"or"种".
    • 理论

      one theory

    • 理论

      one kind of theory

Chinese words with pinyin li lun