lì yè

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.establish a career; build a career

    • dào le yī dìng de nián jì jiù gāi chéng jiā lì yè le


      It's time to get married at a certain age.

    • zhè xiē qīng nián dōu xī wàng jǐn zǎo lì yè


      These young people all hope to start their careers as soon as possible.

    • tā nǔ lì xué xí shì wèi le yǐ hòu gèng hǎo de lì yè


      He studies hard in order to start a better career in the future.

  • 2

    v.establish a business; start a business; purchase an estate

    • nǐ shén me shí hou cái néng chéng gōng lì yè ne


      When will you start a business successfully?

    • tā de mù biāo jiù shì zài shàng hǎi lì yè


      His goal was to start a business in Shanghai.

Word usage

  • "立" and "业" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 不了

      He can’t build his career.

    • 自己北京

      He built his career in Beijing on his own.

    • 什么时候上海

      When did he build his career in Shanghai?