lián méng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.alliance; coalition; league; union

    • liǎng guó jié chéng láo gù lián méng dǐ yù gòng tóng de dí rén


      The two countries established a union against a common enemy.

    • liǎng guó jué dìng jiě sàn lián méng


      The two countries decided to dissolve the alliance.

    • jié chéng lián méng cháng cháng shì wèi le gòng tóng fáng yù


      Leagues are commonly made for mutual defense.

  • 2

    n.union of individuals, organizations or classes

    • gōng nóng lián méng


      Worker peasant Alliance

    • yǐ qián nà ge fǎn dì zhǔ dǎ tǔ háo fēn tián dì de lián méng shì zàn shí de


      The old alliance that opposed the landlords, overthrew the local despots and distributed land was a temporary one.

    • gāi tuán tǐ shì bā lè sī tǎn jiě fàng zǔ zhī zhí zhèng lián méng zhōng de yī gè xiǎo pài bié


      The group is a junior partner in the Palestine Liberation Organization's governing coalition.

  • 3

    v.form an alliance; be in alliance with

    • chūn qiū zhàn guó shí qī qín guó hé jìn guó lián méng chēng wéi qín jìn zhī hǎo


      During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the state of Qin and the state of Jin formed an alliance, known as the good friend of Qin and Jin.

    • zhè liǎng gè guó jiā jié wéi lián méng


      The two countries formed an alliance.

    • wǒ men zhī jiān shí xiàn le lián méng


      We have achieved an alliance between us.

Word usage

  • "联盟" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 联盟

      one union