
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.carry out; fulfil; perform

    • tā fēi cháng rèn zhēn de lǚ xíng zhí zé


      He is very conscientious in the performance of his duties.

    • tā men zhǐ zé dāng dì zhèng fǔ méi yǒu lǚ xíng chéng nuò


      They accused the local government of not fulfilling its commitments.

    • rén men méi néng zhōng chéng de lǚ xíng zì jǐ de shì yán


      People have failed to act in fidelity to their vows.

    • lǚ xíng hé yuē


      meet one's engagements

    • lǚ xíng tiáo yuē


      execution of treaty

    • lǚ xíng shǒu xù


      go through the procedures

Word usage

  • Note
    "履行" is different from "实行" and "执行". "履行" refers to fulfilling the promised obligations, and the objects are mostly binding treaties, contracts, promises, etc.; "实行" refers to the use of actions to realize existing ideas, and the objects are mostly predetermined policies, guidelines, plans, programs, etc. ; "执行" refers to the implementation of tasks prescribed by superiors, mostly for mandatory orders, instructions, judgments, and decrees.

Chinese words with pinyin lü xing