mài zuǐ

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.boast; indulge in clever talk; brag about one's skill or goodwill; show off one's ability or good nature by trying to talk cleverly

    • nǐ jiù huì mài zuǐ


      All you can do is boast.

    • tā zhuān huì mài zuǐ


      He is only good at flattery.

    • bié tīng tā mài zuǐ


      Don't listen to his flattery.

  • 2

    v.depend on one's eloquence for a living, such as fortune-telling, divination, hawking, etc.

Word usage

  • "卖" and "嘴" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 为人踏实

      He is a solid type of person and has never boasted of his own abilities.

Chinese words with pinyin mai zui