
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.doorsill; threshold (sometimes of stone)

    • mén kǎn hé mén shàn suàn shì tiē hé liáng hǎo tā zhōng yú kāi xīn le


      Eventually he was happy that the sills and doors were a reasonably good fit.

    • kuà guò mén kǎn


      cross the threshold

  • 2

    n.dialknack; ability to find the knack; know-how

    • nǐ hái bù dǒng mén kǎn


      You don't know the tricks.

    • jiào yù de gāo mén kǎn


      the exclusivity of education

  • 3

    n.metalevel; requirement

    • yě xǔ xīn de rù xué yāo qiú jiāng mén kǎn tí gāo le


      Perhaps the new admission requirements raised the bar too high.

Word usage

  • Note
    "门槛" cannot be written as "门坎".
  • "门槛" is often matched with measure word "道"or"个".
    • 门槛

      one threshold

    • 门槛

      one threshold

Chinese words with pinyin men kan