
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    adj.dim; vague; indistinct; blurred; unclear

    • zhè fú zì jì mó hu le


      The writing was blurred.

    • bìng rén shén zhì mó hu


      The patient was not entirely in his right mind.

    • wǒ cóng shuāng tǒng wàng yuǎn jìng kàn jiàn yī tuán mó hu de dōng xi


      I saw it as a dim fuzz through the binoculars.

  • 2

    v.blur; obscure; confuse; mix up

    • bù yào mó hu shì fēi jiè xiàn


      Don't obscure the distinction between right and wrong.

    • lèi shuǐ mó hu le tā de shuāng yǎn


      Tears blurred her eyes.

    • shì sú niàn tou de mí wù shǐ shén de xíng xiàng biàn de mó hu


      Fogs of worldly thoughts obscure the vision of God.

Word usage

  • Note
    "模糊" cannot be written as "模胡".
  • "模糊" can be reduplicated, for example: "模模糊糊".
    • 望远镜东西

      I saw it as a dim fuzz through the binoculars.