òu qì

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.be difficult and sulky; be annoyed; be at odds with somebody

    • tā òu qì shì yīn wèi bèi tā jù jué le


      He sulked after she refused.

    • tā zǒng gēn wǒ òu qì


      She's frequently difficult with me.

    • tā zài gēn wǒ òu qì


      He's annoyed with me.

    • bié òu qì


      Don't sulk.

    • bié wèi le suǒ shì òu qì


      Don't get angry over such a trifle.

Word usage

  • "怄" and "气" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • He is in a sulk.

    • 这么

      You have sulked for so long. It's time to get rid of it.

    • 什么事儿

      Why are you sulking? What a big deal!