pán huò

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.make/take an inventory of stock on hand

    • mǒu xiē shāng diàn měi yuè pán huò yī cì


      Some stores inventory their stock once a month.

    • jīn tiān pán huò zàn tíng yíng yè


      Closed for stocktaking today.

    • nián dù pán huò xū yào huā liǎng zhōu shí jiān


      The annual inventory takes two weeks.

Word usage

  • "盘" and "货" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们今天一下

      Let's make an inventory of stock on hand today.

    • 我们

      We can't finish making an inventory of stock on hand.

    • 今天仓库

      We have made an inventory of three warehouses today.