piàn duàn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1


    • wǒ men huì huái niàn shēng huó zhōng de mǒu xiē piàn duàn


      We miss certain moments in our lives.

    • jì yì zhōng de piàn duàn zǒng shì dài gěi wǒ wēn nuǎn


      Fragments of memory always bring me warmth.

    • nà ge xì jù de piàn duàn shì fā rén shēn sī de


      The scene of the play is thought-provoking.

  • 2

    n.same as 片段

Word usage

  • Note
    "片断" is different from "片段". "片段" emphasizes the part of the whole, which is relatively complete, and is mostly used for concrete things; "片断" emphasizes fragmentation and is mostly used for abstract things.
  • "片断" is often matched with measure word "个"or"些".
    • 片断

      one fragment

    • 片断

      some fragments

Chinese words with pinyin pian duan