
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.originate (in/from); stem/come from

    • zhè chǎng zhēng chǎo qǐ yuán yú wù huì


      The quarrel originated in a misunderstanding.

    • wǒ men dōu zhī dào huáng hé qǐ yuán yú qīng hǎi gāo yuán


      We all knows that the Yellow River originates in the Qinghai plateau.

    • yī qiè zhī shi dōu qǐ yuán yú láo dòng


      All knowledge originates from labor.

  • 2

    n.origin; derivation; genesis

    • fù qīn jié de qǐ yuán bù qīng chu


      The origin of Father's Day is not clear.

    • wǒ men zài yán jiū gǔ xī là wén huà de qǐ yuán


      We are researching on the beginning of ancient Greek culture.

    • tā de yǎn jiǎng chǎn shù le chōng tū de qǐ yuán


      His speech was an exposition of the genesis of the conflict.

Word usage

  • "起源" is often matched with measure word "个"or"种".
    • 起源

      one origin

    • 起源

      one kind of origin