lái yuán

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.origin; source

    • tā jiā shēng huó hěn pín kùn jī hū méi yǒu jīng jì lái yuán


      The family lives in poverty and has few sources of income.

    • zhè yàng zuò děng yú duàn jué le wǒ men de jīng fèi lái yuán


      This is tantamount to cutting off our source of funds.

    • guó jiā duàn jué le fáng dì chǎn shāng de zī jīn lái yuán


      The state cut off the source of funds for real estate developers.

  • 2

    v.stem from; be derived from

    • zhī shi lái yuán shí jiàn


      Knowledge stems from practice.

    • yī qiè wén yì chuàng zuò dōu lái yuán shēng huó


      All works of art have life as their source.

    • shén huà de nèi róng lái yuán yú yuǎn gǔ shí dài de shēng huó


      The content of myth comes from life in ancient times.

Word usage

  • "来源" is often matched with measure word "个"or"种"or"处".
    • 来源

      one source

    • 来源

      one kind of source

    • 来源

      one source