qǐng jiǎn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.fmlwritten invitation

    • shàng qiān fèn de hūn lǐ qǐng jiǎn yǐ jīng fā chū


      A thousand invitations to the wedding were sent out.

    • tā zài hé zi xià fā xiàn le yī fēng qǐng jiǎn


      He found an invitation under the box.

    • tā nòng dào le yī zhāng qǐng jiǎn


      She had wangled an invitation.

Word usage

  • "请柬" is often matched with measure word "个"or"封"or"份".
    • 请柬

      one invitation

    • 请柬

      one letter of invitation

    • 请柬

      one copy of the invitation