
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.make an offer of marriage; make a proposal (to); propose marriage

    • tā xiàng yī míng nǚ zǐ qiú hūn


      He proposed to a woman.

    • tā dān xīn tā ruò qiú hūn tā huì jù jué


      He was afraid that if he proposed she might refuse.

    • tā dān xī guì xia xiàng tā qiú hūn


      He went down on one knee and asked her to marry him.

    • qiú hūn chéng gōng


      prosper in one's suit

    • zhǔ dòng qiú hūn


      take the initiative in courtship

Word usage

  • "求" and "婚" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 昨天下午女朋友

      He proposed to his girlfriend yesterday afternoon.

    • 女朋友成功

      I have proposed to my girlfriend three times with each time being a failure.

    • 什么时候女朋友

      When did he propose to his girlfriend?