qún zhòng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.general public; the common people; the masses/people; multitude

    • wǒ men yīng gāi xìn rèn qún zhòng yī kào qún zhòng


      We should trust in the masses and rely on the masses.

    • wǒ men huì dé dào qún zhòng de yōng hù hé xìn rèn


      We will enjoy the support and trust of the masses.

    • zhè bù dān shì wǒ gè rén de yì jiàn yě shì qún zhòng de yì jiàn


      It's not just my opinion but the general public's.

  • 2

    n.person without political affiliation

    • tā de zhèng zhì miàn mào shì qún zhòng


      He is a nonpartisan.

  • 3

    n.member of the rank and file

    • dāng lǐng dǎo de bù yào bǎ zì jǐ hùn tóng yú qún zhòng


      Leaders should not get themsevles mixed with the masses.

Word usage

  • "群众" is often matched with measure word "名"or"位".
    • 群众

      one of the masses

    • 群众

      one of the masses